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Revision: How to Turn Dilapidated Writing into Shiny, Polished Content

Revision: How to Turn Dilapidated Writing into Shiny, Polished Content  - SEO Information Technology Mumbai, India
Polishing Your Writing? Follow These 3 Self-Editing Steps
Content Writing Tips | Author Guest Post | Kevin Nelson | SEO Information Technology | Mumbai, India
Frequently, the inspiration is not enough to write a high-quality and informative article. You do your best, trying to find good resource materials, consult with the professionals to collect the most uncommon facts and ideas, and write a detailed plan that will help you cover all the hidden problems of the theme in your article. However, the results of your writing are rather mediocre, moreover, they are even worse than you’ve expected. The sentences look overcomplicated and the idea is lost. You cannot even understand what you wanted to say, and you understand that none of your readers will be satisfied with the quality of your article. Now you have two options – to throw it away and to fix the mistakes and turn it into a piece of paper that deserves everyone’s attention. You can always choose less complicated way but we insist you try all methods to turn your writing into a shiny and polished content. 

Editing as a Key to Writing Success

Every writer should raise his competence in editing and proofreading. It does not matter that the writer will edit and proofread someone else’s writing, it only means that he will use this skill to make his writing better. These steps are important for everyone – for professional fiction writers, for academic writers, and for students. Everyone should understand what he or she may do with the text to make it better.

Of course, a person can always order professional editing and proofreading services, but if he or she writes a lot, it will be necessary to find a person available 24/7/365. And you probably agree with me that the best person available all the time is you. Besides, you understand the idea of your writing, your intentions, and your target audience, and you do not need to explain all these things to someone else. The only problem is that you need to be critical of yourself. When you proofread the article you should not think about it as about your article. You need to be objective and distracted enough to check it critically and find the mistakes that you did not notice. However, if you find a good company or editor to become your companion, you may save your time and write even more enjoying high-quality proofreading services.

Three Steps for Professional Proofreading

So now let us move to the practical methods of making your writing better. There are three important steps that you need to perform every time when your piece of writing is ready. 

1. Cut It Off

The common problem of all writers is their greed to words. It does not matter that they do not write enough, it means that they write a lot, but they do not want to make their writing shorter. When someone asks them to make a piece of writing a little bit shorter, this is a real problem for them, as they think that every single word in the text is important. 

However, a good writer should understand that the real art is to write shorter and preserve all the ideas in a brief form. People do like to read long texts, but they do not have time for that, and your task is to simplify their life making writing more available for reading.

If you feel that you cannot delete some idea or sentence, try to paraphrase it in such a way that you are able to preserve the meaning but use shorter phrases and words.

2. Fill It with Strong Words

Do you know that a verb is considered to be the strongest part of speech? Most of the writers and common people think that an adjective is stronger, but most of the adjectives have an opposite effect. People do not believe things that are described with the adjectives but they do believe things described as verbs.

Try to fill your text with strong verbs and get rid of adjectives that make it weaker and less impressive. When you write, always pay attention to what parts of speech you prefer to use.

3. Mind Your Grammar

Although most people write with mistakes, they hate to notice mistakes in writing of other people. Perhaps, you have noticed that when you notice a mistake in a newspaper, you feel disappointed and cannot longer believe that the text is written by a professional. The same is with any other piece of writing. Your text should be perfect in grammar and spelling so that your reader is satisfied and enjoys every sentence he reads. Good grammar and spelling create a proper level of trust.

Of course, you may have some problems with writing correctly, but today, this is not the problem that you cannot fix. There are various apps that help enhance your writing just in a minute. Use these apps or order services of a professional editor. 

And there is one more tip that will help you improve your writing. Give yourself some time before you start to proofread and edit your paper. A couple of days or a week will be enough to get distracted from your writing, and you will be able to look at your writing from a new perspective.

We strongly recommend that you check your writing and try all the methods to turn into a high-quality and impressive piece of content. Whatever you write proofread the article. Your readers always deserve better, so just give a try to making a step forward to shiny writing with no mistakes! 

Author's Bio:

Content Writing Tips | Author Guest Post | Kevin Nelson | SEO Information Technology | Mumbai, India

Kevin Nelson started his career as a research analyst and has changed his sphere of activity to writing services and content marketing. Currently, Kevin works as a part-time writer at the BreezeWriting. Apart from writing, he spends a lot of time reading psychology and management literature searching for the keystones of motivation ideas. Feel free to connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn.

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